700 Virginia St
WA 98101
Come help feed the needy with TAP-Seattle at FareStart, a culinary job training and placement program for homeless and disadvantaged individuals. FareStarts delivers meals 365 days a year to several area homeless shelters. We have 7 spots available to help prepare meals. Please sign up by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/LXyhNXzVsRPfP2Fb2
Chefs will assign tasks based on individual skill and comfort level.
We ask that you commit to volunteering for the entire time, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We also ask that in the case of cancellation you provide us with as much notice as possible—this is very important as we need a certain number of volunteers to produce meals and often need to recruit replacements.
For more information about the organization we will be volunteering with, see www.farestart.org