
Father 紅盒子 with Director Yang Li-chou 楊力州 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jun 30 @ 11:40 am – 2:05 pm
Father 紅盒子 with Director Yang Li-chou 楊力州 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the documentary showing of Father 紅盒子 followed by Q&A with award winning Director Yang Li-chou 楊力州!

11:20am Saturday Opening
11:40am Father 紅盒子 (99min)
1:25pm – 2:05pm: Q&A with Director Yang Li-chou 楊力州

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

AR and VR equipment for Taiwanese traditional puppetry will be available during the free short film series on 6/29

At the age of 79, Chen set up his own troupe, which soon earned recognition all over the world. This film also shows the struggle in preserving a piece of culture/art in the modern world.


Director: Li-chou Yang
Year: 2018 | 99 min
Language: Mandarin with subtitles

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jun 30 @ 2:35 pm – 4:35 pm
Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the showing of Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天 followed by a panel discussion.

Saturday June 30, 2018
2:35pm Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天 (70min)
3:50pm – 4:35pm Panel Discussion

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Futing, who returns to the tribe (The Amis) on vacation, is suddenly told to replace his grandfather to participate in Sacepo’ (sea festival). However, as it’s already difficult for Futing to speak his own mother tongue, how could he catch fish in the sea? Just when he is about to escape, he meets Lisin, a lovely girl who stays in the tribe to work in exchange for board and lodging. Her eyes are full of admiration immediately when she hears that Futing is going to participate in the sea festival. Futing tries his best to impress Lisin.

一個在外求學的高中男生,暑假被媽媽騙回家照顧外公,讓他原本跟同學的環島計畫泡湯。從都市回到原鄉,一切都很不習慣,早餐不再是奶茶三明治而是原住民的傳統料理…而家鄉還有一個海祭的傳統,相傳部落的男性必須要在成年禮的時候游到巴克力藍— 漂浮於部落外海的一個小島,才算一個真正的勇士。而一位來到部落打工換宿的女孩,讓他對於故鄉的一切慢慢燃起了興趣…


Director: Lekal Sumi Cilangasan
Year: 2017 | 70 min
Language: Mandarin, Aboriginal with subtitles

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

Take Me to the Moon 帶我去月球 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jun 30 @ 5:00 pm – 6:50 pm
Take Me to the Moon 帶我去月球 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the showing of Take Me to the Moon 帶我去月球.

Saturday June 30, 2018
5:00pm Take Me to the Moon 帶我去月球 (105min)

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Cheng-hsiang reunites with the members of his high school band and reminisces about their lead singer and his past love, En-pei, whose pursuit of her dreams ended in tragedy. He regrets having encouraged her to pursue her dreams all those years ago, wondering if she would have died if he hadn’t done so. Drunk after the memorial and hit by a vehicle, Cheng-hsiang is miraculously transported back to the past, where he sets out to stop En-pei from making the same mistake.



Director: Chun-Yi Hsieh
Year: 2017 | 105 min
Language: Mandarin with subtitles

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 血觀音 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jun 30 @ 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm
The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 血觀音 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the showing of award winning The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 血觀音. There’s a pre-movie seminar to help our viewers understand the many layers depicted in this film.

Saturday June 30, 2018
7:00pm – 7:40pm Pre-Movie Seminar – Devils in the Details: Who’s Who and What to Watch For?
7:45pm The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 血觀音 (112min)
*Mature content film

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Mrs. Tang is the matriarch of an illustrious and influential family whose cold-blooded decisions have earned her brood a powerful place in society. Scheming with a set of politicians, Mrs. Tang plans to secure a prized real estate deal. But this plot turns complicated as her daughters unravel the truth, one ignorant of their mother’s machinations and another following in her footsteps.
In 2017, the film was nominated for numerous titles at the 54th Golden Horse Awards, taking home top honors for Best Feature Film and Best Leading Actress for Kara Hui.


Director: Ya-che Yang
Year: 2017 | 112 min
Language: Mandarin with subtitles
Mature content in this film

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival 2018 西雅圖台美電影節 2018 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jul 1 @ 12:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival 2018 西雅圖台美電影節 2018 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF), presented by TAP-Seattle, will feature seven acclaimed Taiwanese films and several short films directed by aspiring Taiwanese American filmmakers. Explore the Taiwanese culture through films on Fri June 29 – Sun July 1, 2018.

Single showing tickets & Festival Passes available now:

Full Schedule Detail:

FRI JUNE 29 (UW Kane Hall):
5:30pm Reception (Invitation only)
7:00pm Opening short films (by Taiwanese American filmmakers) and Panel Discussion

SAT JUNE 30 (SIFF Uptown Cinema)
11:30am Saturday Opening
11:40am 紅盒子Father
1:25pm Q&A with Director Li-chou Yang 楊力州 of 紅盒子Father
2:35pm Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天
3:50pm Pakeriran Discussion
5:00pm Take Me to the Moon 带我去月球
7:00pm Pre-Movie Seminar – Devils in the Details: Who’s Who and What to Watch For?
7:45pm The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 血觀音

SUN JULY 1 (SIFF Uptown Cinema)
12:55pm Sunday Opening
1:10pm 美力台灣3D Formosa 3D
2:35pm Q&A with Director Charlie Chu 曲全立 of 美力台灣3D Formosa 3D
3:40pm The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯
5:55pm A Journey of 35 海闊天空
7:25pm Closing Remarks

*All foreign language films will have English subtitles.

More about STAFF:
The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography. The film festival programming includes audience interaction with award-winning directors Charlie Chu and Li-chou Yang from Taiwan.

TAP-Seattle is partnering with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival

Our website:

Formosa 3D 美力台灣 3D with Director Charlie Chu 曲全立 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jul 1 @ 1:10 pm – 3:25 pm
Formosa 3D 美力台灣 3D with Director Charlie Chu 曲全立 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the documentary showing of Formosa 3D 美力台灣 3D followed by Q&A with award winning Director Charlie Chu 曲全立!

12:55pm Sunday Opening
1:10pm Formosa 3D 美力台灣 3D (78min)
2:35pm – 3:25pm: Q&A with Director Charlie Chu 曲全立

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Formosa 3D is a stunning montage of Taiwan’s nature and varied landscapes, from the misty mountains to famous 101 skyscraper, as well as portraying traditional trades at risk of dying out, such as feather dusters and handmade noodles. It comprises footage Chu collated and archived over a period of 10 years. Experience this in 3D!

10個瀕臨消失的台灣美景,100個將被遺忘的傳統匠師,全靠 1 個半聾半盲的傻瓜導演,用10年去記錄台灣最美的樣子。有高聳入雲的山脈,有湛藍清澈的海洋,在山林和海濱之間,還有辛勤工作、永遠保持笑容的人民,更記錄下超過百位傳承台灣傳統民間工藝的國寶級工匠。導演曲全立運用最先進的 3D技術完成《美力台灣3D》,巧妙地將台灣的自然風貌與匠人代表的文化底蘊結合在一起,帶領觀眾走入前所未見的,不一樣的美「力」台灣……。

Director: Charles Chu
Year: 2017 | 78 min
Language: Mandarin with subtitles

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jul 1 @ 3:40 pm – 5:30 pm
The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the showing of award winning, satirical movie, The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯.

Sunday July 1, 2018
3:40pm The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯 (104min)
*Mature content film

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Pickle, a night security guard of a Buddha statue factory and his friend Belly Button spends a lot of time together having late night snacks and watching television. One day when the television is broken, their lives are changed forever. At first, they watch the footages recorded on their boss’s dash cam for fun, and soon they get addicted to peeping into the boss’s colorful private life and accidentally discover the boss’s unspeakable secret. In 2017, the film was nominated for numerous titles at the 54th Golden Horse Awards, taking home top honors for Best New Director.


Director: Hsin-yao Huang
Year: 2017 | 104min
Language: Min Nan with subtitiles
Mature content in this film

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

A Journey of 35 海闊天空 @ Uptown Cinemas
Jul 1 @ 5:55 pm – 8:00 pm
A Journey of 35 海闊天空 @ Uptown Cinemas | Seattle | WA | United States

Join Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival for the documentary showing of A Journey of 35 海闊天空

Sunday July 1, 2018
5:55pm A Journey of 35 海闊天空 (84min)
7:25pm Closing Remarks

Location: SIFF Cinema Uptown

Five Taiwanese teenagers, faced with sweeping and untested educational reforms in 1996, revealed their dreams, and then revisited again in 2006. Now, another decade later, we find out if indeed they were able to chase their dreams.

Over the 20 years their lives are documented, the five stories slowly unfurl before our eyes like precious scrolls. Much like watching ourselves grow, one discovers when going back suddenly to the age of fifteen that life was full of choices, and every step taken was a form of energy. Five true stories. Together again, giving us the chance to see ourselves through them.

1996年,台灣教改的開端,捕捉了五位十五歲少年夢想的起點。如今,二十年時光流轉,他們夢想實現了嗎?他們的天空是否真正「海闊」? 跨越二十年的長期記錄,每十年一次的回訪,五個人生故事如同捲軸一般,在眼前慢慢展開。就像看著你我經歷過的成長,驀然回首十五歲的起初,才發現,原來人生充滿選擇,跨出的每一步都是能量。五個真實的故事,與您一同重新看見,那心中的「自己」。

Director: Yi-Hsiu Lo
Year: 2017 | 84min
Language: Mandarin with subtitles

About STAFF:
Seattle Taiwanese American Film Festival (STAFF) showcases films by Taiwanese and Taiwanese American talents. The films selected center around the universal themes of home(land) and family portrayed through hyperbolized drama and breathtaking cinematography.

It is presented by Taiwanese American Professionals – Seattle. And in partnership with the University of Washington Taiwan Studies Program, the Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Taiwanese American Film Festival
For more information about STAFF, visit

Theater Takeover: Viewing of Crazy Rich Asians @ Lincoln Square Cinemas
Aug 16 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Theater Takeover: Viewing of Crazy Rich Asians @ Lincoln Square Cinemas | Bellevue | WA | United States

Crazy Rich Asians is a milestone moment for the AAPI community. Whether romcoms are your jam or not, it’s the first time in 25 years for a studio movie to feature an all Asian cast, and the producers and creators of this film were incredibly intentional in making sure this hit the big screen!

We wanted to celebrate this moment in style, so we’ve bought out a 7pm showing at Cinemark Lincoln Square in Bellevue. Join us in making this opening weekend impactful and showcasing what we’ve known all along: that there is a demand for AAPI faces and narratives in Hollywood.

Grab your tickets now before they run out! NAAAP and TAPS have only been allocated a small number of tickets and they will go quickly.

Doors: 6:30pm
Movie Start Time: 7:00pm

Participating Organizations: Amazon, AAPIP, Bank of America, Microsoft, NAAAP, Starbucks, TAPS

If you have a question please email

TAP-Sea Presents: 2018 Summer BBQ!
Aug 26 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
TAP-Sea Presents: 2018 Summer BBQ!

Hi TAPpers!

Summer is in full swing! What better way to celebrate than to meet up at the park and grill some meat! We’d like you to join us for a BBQ at Luther Burbank Park, located on Mercer Island. All we need you to do is bring your family, friends, and pets ready to eat, play, and mingle.

TAP-Seattle will be providing Taiwanese lu rou fan, Taiwanese sausage, kabobs, short ribs, chicken wings, salad, fruit, and beverages. We will also have a limited amount of vegetarian options.

Time: Sunday, August 26th from 11:00am – 2:00pm

Location: Luther Burbank Park (Picnic Area C), 2040 84th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040

Super early bird $12 until 11:59pm, Thu, August 16th
Early bird $14 until 11:59pm, Thu, August 23th
Regular $16 until 11:59pm, Sat, August 25th
Day of $20, cash or credit card will be accepted

We will be bringing games such as frisbee and football. Feel free to bring your own games and lawn chairs! Bring swimwear if you want to take a dip and cool down–we are next to the beach!

So come out and learn more about TAP-Seattle, meet the board, network, and make new friends.

Please RSVP early so we can prepare food accordingly. For any questions, please send us a message through Facebook or email us at